Public Utilities Commission of Nevada

Annual Leak Detection Survey

Regulation requires a leak survey for all pipelines used to transport natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, in its liquid or vapor form, or any mixture thereof, to conduct a leakage survey with leak detector equipment on any such intrastate pipeline at least once per calendar year, at intervals not exceeding 15 months.

Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard

Nevada's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) was first adopted by the Nevada Legislature in 1997 and has been modified nearly every legislative session since. The RPS sets the percentage of electricity sold each year by providers of electric service to Nevada customers that must come from renewable energy (biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy, waterpower, and wind) or energy efficiency measures.

Renewable Energy Projects Approved and/or Permitted by the PUCN

The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) approves Utility Environmental Protection Act (UEPA) permits for all privately-owned conventional (natural gas, oil, coal)
utility facilities constructed in Nevada, even if the electricity generated by the facility will be exported out of state. The PUCN also approves the construction of renewable energy projects with an output greater than 70 megawatts, even if the energy is to be exported out of state, and transmission for renewable energy greater than 200 kilovolts. Additionally, the PUCN approves purchase power agreements (PPA) between NV Energy and conventional utility facilities and renewable energy projects. See the table here for a comprehensive list of renewable energy projects with a PUCN-approved UEPA permit and/or PPA with NV Energy.

Energy Efficiency Programs

Electric utilities implement energy efficiency programs for retail customers that are reviewed and approved by the PUCN. Program cost effectiveness is a significant consideration in approving or modifying a program. Visit NV Energy's website for information on energy efficiency programs available to their customers. Visit this website for information on conservation and energy efficiency programs available to Southwest Gas’s customers.


The Pipeline Efficiency and Safety (PIPES) Act of 2020 focuses on reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. The PUCN’s Pipeline Safety Division completed this inspection and audit for all operators in Nevada and provided input to further reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Water Conservation Plans

The Nevada Division of Water Resources is the agency responsible for the management, conservation, and protection of the State’s water resources through the appropriation and reallocation of public waters. As such, it is their responsibility to review and monitor the Water Conservation Plans (WCP) for water systems throughout the state. The PUCN authorizes WCPs for every public utility within its jurisdiction that provides, for a fee, water for municipal, industrial, or domestic use. Each plan is fi led as a separate docket or included as part of an Integrated Resource Plan.