Nevada Department of Wildlife

State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)

The 2022 Nevada State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is intended to be a comprehensive, statewide plan for conserving the state’s wildlife and habitat resources and is designed to address the eight required elements to fulfill the State Wildlife Grant legislative requirements. Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) staff as well as an external team of experts and agencies spent nearly two years comprehensively reviewing and updating the 2012 SWAP. Key components of this comprehensive revision include evaluating over 600 species as potential Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and expanding on e orts to connect citizens to nature through nature tourism, citizen science, and education. The 2022 SWAP largely addresses climate change concerns through actions directed at habitats rather than species, although certain species accounts identify species-specific actions. New to the 2022 SWAP are select habitat climate change vulnerability assessments found in Chapter 4 and Appendix D.