Nevada Department of Agriculture

Foundation Seed Program

The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) Foundation Seed Program supplies Nevada producers with complimentary native species seeds. This initiative seeks to minimize the risks associated with transitioning to native seed production and enhance the accessibility of locally adapted seeds for restoration and reclamation purposes. By utilizing these seeds, growers can conserve water, enhance soil health through the cultivation of deep-rooted perennials, and promote carbon sequestration. The seeds produced support post-fi re restoration and reclamation endeavors, leading to improved soil health, heightened plant diversity, and reduced fi re hazards. The transition from invasive species to native grasses benefits soil health, wildlife habitats, and carbon storage capabilities.

NDA Drought Program

The goal of NDA’s Drought program is to foster the research and communication needed to best benefit our stakeholders and to connect producers with funding opportunities, and water conservation tools AND resources. NDA’s staff is actively involved in the partnership led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Integrated Drought Information Systems (NIDIS). NDA participates in the California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System (CA-NV DEWS) to foster networks improving drought early warning capacity and long-term drought resilience in Nevada. Working alongside researchers from the Western Regional Climate Center situated at the Desert Research Institute, NDA aims to coordinate and integrate drought research e orts, leveraging current federal, tribal, state, and local partnerships.